MobiTech | noun
Products and companies that employ newly developed technologies to enhance and innovate in the mobility industries.
See: EFO Ventures, a pioneer in MobiTech.
EFO Ventures is a MobiTech™ investment company. We operate as an early stage incubation studio focused on supporting founders, not only with funding but with decades of experience from the members of our team.
We work with founders differently because we’ve been there and understand the unique challenges of building a business. We’re invested not only financially in our portfolio of companies, but we invest our time and skills with mentorship, hands on support, a team of advisors, and a wealth of connections that bring businesses to the next level.
Our MobiTech™ verticals
What are we working on? Our companies are positioned to solve meaningful business challenges through technology that can make an impact on society. Below you’ll find information on the companies we are operating.

Consumer E-bikes
Electric bikes designed and operating out of Atlanta. Focused on the retail market and municipal bike libraries.

Purpose Built Mobility
In-House design, manufacture and supply of LEVs for the shared micro-mobility industry.

Mobility as a service

Shared Micro-Mobility based in USA
E-bikes and E-scooter sharing for Campuses and Municipalities

Shared Micro-Mobility based in Portugal
E-scooters and E-mopeds for Municipalities and long term private rental

Shared Micro-Mobility based in UK
Micro-mobility LEV operator with services including private fleets and subscriptions


Safety for Micro-Mobility
Californian AI and tech development company creating computer vision solutions for mobility.

Smart Loading Zones
Curb management technology to help cities, airports, fleets & businesses.

Why MobiTech™ excites us.
Although we are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, we are passionate about our core direction and expertise within sustainability, mobility and tech enabled services. MobiTech is seeing unprecedented growth as the requirements for this sector become more apparent and the benefits it offer start to transform our daily life.

Light electric vehicles


Tech enabled

Lets talk.
Think your company should be on the list? We love connecting with fellow founders and are always looking to engage with interesting projects and companies. If you want to know more, don't hesitate to reach out to us via connect@efoventures.com, we look forward to learning more about you and your business.